Module gcip.core.job
This module represents the Gitlab CI Job
It contains the general Job
class as well as a special TriggerJob
class. The latter one is a subclass
of Job
but has on the one hand reduced capabilities, on the other hand it has the additional functionality
to trigger other pipelines.
Here is a simple example how you define and use a Job
from gcip import Pipeline, Job
pipeline = Pipeline()
job = Job(stage="build", script="build my artefact")
pipeline.add_children(job, name="artifact")
# stages:
# - build
# build-artifact:
# stage: build
# script: build my artifact
A Job
has always a script
and at least one of stage
or name
The stage
will be used for the name of the stage of the job and the
job name itself, whereas name
is only used for the job`s name. When adding
a job to a Pipeline
or a Sequence
you can and should define a name
or stage
too. This is how you
distinguish between two jobs of the same kind added to a pipeline:
def create_build_job(artifact: str, job_name: str = "artifact", job_stage: str = "build") -> Job:
return Job(name=job_name, stage=job_stage, script=f"build my {artifact}")
pipeline.add_children(create_build_job("foo"), name="bar")
pipeline.add_children(create_build_job("john"), name="deere")
# stages:
# - build
# build-artifact-bar:
# stage: build
# script: build my foo
# build-artifact-deere:
# stage: build
# script: build my john
Again name
or stage
decide whether to add the string to the
stage of a job or not:
def create_build_job(job_name: str = "artifact", job_stage: str = "build", artifact: str) -> Job:
return Job(name=job_name, stage=job_stage, script=f"build my {artifact}")
pipeline.add_children(create_build_job("foo"), stage="bar")
pipeline.add_children(create_build_job("john"), stage="deere")
# stages:
# - build_bar
# - build_deere
# build-bar-artifact:
# stage: build_bar
# script: build my foo
# build-deere-artifact:
# stage: build_deere
# script: build my john
This also decides whether to run the jobs in parralel or sequential. When using
and adding the string also to the jobs stage the stages for both jobs
differ. When using name
only the name of the jobs differ but the name of the stage
remains the same.
An Job
object has a lot of methods for further configuration of typical Gitlab CI
[Job keywords]/, like
configuring tags, rules, variables and so on. Methods with names staring with..
will initally set or overwrite any previous setting, likeset_image()
will append a value to previous ones, likeadd_tags()
will do the same asadd_*
, but for values where order matters. So it explicitly adds a value to the end of a list of previous values, likeappend_rules()
is the counterpart toappend_*
and will add a value to the beginning of a list of previous values, likeprepend_rules()
class Job (*, script: Union[AnyStr, List[str]], name: Optional[str] = None, stage: Optional[str] = None, image: Optional[Union[Image, str]] = None, allow_failure: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]] = None, variables: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, rules: Optional[List[Rule]] = None, dependencies: Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]] = None, needs: Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]] = None, artifacts: Optional[Artifacts] = None, cache: Optional[Cache] = None, when: Optional[WhenStatement] = None, environment: Optional[Union[Environment, str]] = None, retry: Optional[Union[Retry, int]] = None, timeout: Optional[str] = None, resource_group: Optional[str] = None)
This class represents the Gitlab CI Job
:Union[AnyStr, List[str]]
- The script(s) to be executed.
- The name of the job. In opposite to
only the name is set and not the stage of the job. Ifname
is set, than the jobs stage has no value, which defaults to the 'test' stage. Eithername
must be set. Defaults toNone
. stage
- The name and stage of the job. In opposite to
also the jobs stage will be setup with this value. Eithername
must be set. Defaults toNone
. allow_failure
- The allow_failure keyword of the Job.
Defaults to
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class Job: """This class represents the Gitlab CI [Job]( Attributes: script (Union[AnyStr, List[str]]): The [script(s)]( to be executed. name (Optional[str]): The name of the job. In opposite to `stage` only the name is set and not the stage of the job. If `name` is set, than the jobs stage has no value, which defaults to the 'test' stage. Either `name` or `stage` must be set. Defaults to `None`. stage (Optional[str]): The name and stage of the job. In opposite to `name` also the jobs stage will be setup with this value. Either `name` or `stage` must be set. Defaults to `None`. allow_failure (Optional[bool]): The [allow_failure]( keyword of the Job. Defaults to `None` (unset). """ def __init__( self, *, script: Union[AnyStr, List[str]], name: Optional[str] = None, stage: Optional[str] = None, image: Optional[Union[Image, str]] = None, allow_failure: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]] = None, variables: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, rules: Optional[List[Rule]] = None, dependencies: Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]] = None, needs: Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]] = None, artifacts: Optional[Artifacts] = None, cache: Optional[Cache] = None, when: Optional[WhenStatement] = None, environment: Optional[Union[Environment, str]] = None, retry: Optional[Union[Retry, int]] = None, timeout: Optional[str] = None, resource_group: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self._image: Optional[Image] = None self._variables: Dict[str, str] = {} self._tags: OrderedSetType = {} self._rules: List[Rule] = [] self._dependencies: Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]] = None self._needs: Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]] = None self._scripts: List[str] self._scripts_to_prepend: List[str] = [] self._scripts_to_append: List[str] = [] self._artifacts: Optional[Artifacts] = artifacts self._cache: Optional[Cache] = cache self._environment: Optional[Environment] = None self._retry: Optional[Retry] = None self._parents: List[Sequence] = list() self._original: Optional[Job] self._when: Optional[WhenStatement] = when self._timeout: Optional[str] = timeout self._resource_group: Optional[str] = resource_group if stage and name: self._name = f"{name}-{stage}" self._stage = stage elif stage: self._name = stage self._stage = stage elif name: self._name = name # default for unset stages is 'test' -> self._stage = "test" else: raise ValueError( "At least one of the parameters `name` or `stage` have to be set." ) self._name = self._name.replace("_", "-") self._stage = self._stage.replace("-", "_") if isinstance(script, str): self._scripts = [script] elif isinstance(script, list): self._scripts = script else: raise AttributeError( "script parameter must be of type string or list of strings" ) # internally self._allow_failure is set to a special value 'untouched' indicating this value is untouched by the user. # This is because the user can set the value from outside to True, False or None, indicating the value should not be rendered. # 'untouched' allows for sequences to determine, if this value should be initialized or not. self._allow_failure: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]] = ( allow_failure if allow_failure is not None else "untouched" ) if image: self.set_image(image) if tags: self.add_tags(*tags) if rules: self.append_rules(*rules) if dependencies: self.add_dependencies(*dependencies) if needs: self.add_needs(*needs) if variables: self.add_variables(**variables) if environment: self.set_environment(environment) if retry: self.set_retry(retry) @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the Job This property is affected by the rendering process, where `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s will populate the job name depending on their names. That means you can be sure to get the jobs final name when rendered. """ return self._name @property def stage(self) -> str: """The [stage]( keyword of the Job This property is affected by the rendering process, where `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s will populate the job stage depending on their stages. That means you can be sure to get the jobs final stage when rendered. """ return self._stage @property def image(self) -> Optional[Image]: """The [image]( keyword of the Job""" return self._image @property def allow_failure(self) -> Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]]: """The [allow_failure]( keyword of the Job. A value of `None` means this key is unset and thus not contained in the rendered output. """ if ( self._allow_failure is None or isinstance(self._allow_failure, bool) or isinstance(self._allow_failure, int) or isinstance(self._allow_failure, list) ): return self._allow_failure return None @property def variables(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """The [variables]( keyword of the Job""" return self._variables @property def tags(self) -> List[str]: """The [tags]( keyword of the Job""" return list(self._tags.keys()) @property def rules(self) -> List[Rule]: """The [rules]( keyword of the Job""" return self._rules @property def dependencies(self) -> Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]]: """The [dependencies]( keyword of the Job""" return self._dependencies @property def needs(self) -> Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]]: """The [needs]( keyword of the Job""" return self._needs @property def scripts(self) -> List[str]: """The [script]( keyword of the Job""" return self._scripts @property def cache(self) -> Optional[Cache]: """The [cache]( keyword of the Job""" return self._cache @property def when(self) -> Optional[WhenStatement]: """The [when]( keyword of the Job""" return self._when @property def timeout(self) -> Optional[str]: """The [timeout]( keyword of the Job""" return self._timeout @property def resource_group(self) -> Optional[str]: """The [resource_group]( keyword of the Job""" return self._resource_group @property def environment(self) -> Optional[Environment]: """The [environment]( keyword of the Job""" return self._environment @property def retry(self) -> Optional[Retry]: """The [retry]( keyword of the Job""" return self._retry @property def artifacts(self) -> Artifacts: """The [artifacts]( keyword of the Job.""" if not self._artifacts: self._artifacts = Artifacts() return self._artifacts def _extend_name(self, name: Optional[str]) -> None: """This method is used by `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s to populate the jobs name.""" if name: self._name = name.replace("_", "-") + f"-{self._name}" def _extend_stage_value(self, stage: Optional[str]) -> None: """This method is used by `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s to populate the jobs stage.""" if stage: self._stage += "_" + stage.replace("-", "_") def _extend_stage(self, stage: Optional[str]) -> None: """This method is used by `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s to populate the jobs name and stage.""" if stage: self._extend_name(stage) self._extend_stage_value(stage) def _add_parent(self, parent: Sequence) -> None: """This method is called by `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s when the job is added to that sequence. The job needs to know its parents when `_get_all_instance_names()` is called. """ self._parents.append(parent) def prepend_scripts(self, *scripts: str) -> Job: """Inserts one or more [script]( before the current scripts. Returns: `Job`: The modified `Job` object. """ self._scripts_to_prepend = list(scripts) + self._scripts_to_prepend return self def append_scripts(self, *scripts: str) -> Job: """Adds one or more [script]( after the current scripts. Returns: `Job`: The modified `Job` object. """ self._scripts_to_append.extend(scripts) return self def add_variables(self, **variables: str) -> Job: """Adds one or more [variables](, each as keyword argument, to the job. Args: **variables (str): Each variable would be provided as keyword argument: ``` job.add_variables(GREETING="hello", LANGUAGE="python") ``` Returns: `Job`: The modified `Job` object. """ self._variables.update(variables) return self def add_tags(self, *tags: str) -> Job: """Adds one or more [tags]( to the job. Returns: `Job`: The modified `Job` object. """ for tag in tags: self._tags[tag] = None return self def set_tags(self, *tags: str) -> Job: """Set the [tags]( to the job. Returns: `Job`: The modified `Job` object. """ self._tags = {} self.add_tags(*tags) return self def set_cache(self, cache: Optional[Cache]) -> Job: """Sets the [cache]( keyword of the Job. Any previous values will be overwritten. Args: cache (Optional[Cache]): See `gcip.core.cache.Cache` class. Returns: Sequence: Returns the modified `Job` object. """ if cache: self._cache = cache return self def set_when(self, when: Optional[WhenStatement]) -> Job: """Sets the [when]( keyword of the Job. Any previous values will be overwritten. Args: when (Optional[WhenStatement]): See `gcip.core.when.WhenStatement` class. Returns: Sequence: Returns the modified `Job` object. """ if when: self._when = when return self def set_timeout(self, timeout: Optional[str]) -> Job: """Sets the [timeout]( keyword of the Job. Any previous values will be overwritten. Args: timeout (Optional[str]): A string defining a timespan as in the Gitlab CI documentation. Returns: Sequence: Returns the modified `Job` object. """ if timeout: self._timeout = timeout return self def set_resource_group(self, resource_group: Optional[str]) -> Job: """Sets the [resource_group]( keyword of the Job. Any previous values will be overwritten. Args: resource_group (Optional[str]): A string defining a resource group as in the Gitlab CI documentation. Returns: Sequence: Returns the modified `Job` object. """ if resource_group: self._resource_group = resource_group return self def set_environment(self, environment: Optional[Union[Environment, str]]) -> Job: """Sets the environment of this job. For a simple environment you can provide the environment as string. If you want to set the environment url or other options, you have to provide an Environment object instead. Args: environment (Optional[Union[Environment, str]]): Can be either `string` or `Environment`. Returns: Job: Returns the modified :class:`Job` object. """ if environment: if isinstance(environment, str): environment = Environment(environment) self._environment = environment return self def set_retry(self, retry: Optional[Union[Retry, int]]) -> Job: """Sets the retry count of this job. For a simple retry you can provide the retry count as number. If you want to set the when condition or exit codes, you have to provide an retry object instead. Args: retry (Optional[Union[Retry, int]]): Can be either `int` or `retry`. Returns: Job: Returns the modified :class:`Job` object. """ if retry: if isinstance(retry, int): retry = Retry(max=retry) self._retry = retry return self def set_artifacts(self, artifacts: Optional[Artifacts]) -> Job: """Sets the [artifacts]( keyword of the Job. Any previous values will be overwritten. Args: artifacts: (Artifacts): See `gcip.core.artifacts.Artifacts` class. Returns: Sequence: Returns the modified `Job` object. """ if artifacts: self._artifacts = artifacts return self def append_rules(self, *rules: Rule) -> Job: """Adds one or more [rule]( behind the current rules of the job. Args: *rules (Rule): See `gcip.core.rule.Rule` class. Returns: Sequence: Returns the modified `Job` object. """ self._rules.extend(rules) return self def prepend_rules(self, *rules: Rule) -> Job: """Inserts one or more [rule]( before the current rules of the job. Args: *rules (Rule): See `gcip.core.rule.Rule` class. Returns: Sequence: Returns the modified `Job` object. """ self._rules = list(rules) + self._rules return self def add_dependencies(self, *dependencies: Union[Job, Sequence]) -> Job: """Add one or more [dependencies]( to the job. Args: *dependencies (Union[Need, Job, Sequence]): Returns: Sequence: Returns the modified `Job` object. """ if self._dependencies is None: self._dependencies = [] self._dependencies.extend(dependencies) return self def set_dependencies( self, dependencies: Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]] ) -> Job: """Set/overwrite the list of [dependencies]( of this job. Args: dependencies (Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]]): A list of `Need`s, `Job`s or `Sequence`s this job depends on. If the list is empty, the job dependencies nothing and would immediately run. If `None` given, then the `dependencies` keyword of this job will not be rendered in the pipeline output. Returns: Sequence: Returns the modified `Job` object. """ self._dependencies = dependencies return self def add_needs(self, *needs: Union[Need, Job, Sequence]) -> Job: """Add one or more [needs]( to the job. Args: *needs (Union[Need, Job, Sequence]): Returns: Sequence: Returns the modified `Job` object. """ if self._needs is None: self._needs = [] self._needs.extend(needs) return self def set_needs(self, needs: Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]]) -> Job: """Set/overwrite the list of [needs]( of this job. Args: needs (Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]]): A list of `Need`s, `Job`s or `Sequence`s this job depends on. If the list is empty, the job needs nothing and would immediately run. If `None` given, then the `needs` keyword of this job will not be rendered in the pipeline output. Returns: Sequence: Returns the modified `Job` object. """ self._needs = needs return self def set_image(self, image: Optional[Union[Image, str]]) -> Job: """Sets the image of this job. For a simple container image you can provide the origin of the image. If you want to set the entrypoint, you have to provide an Image object instead. Args: image (Optional[Union[Image, str]]): Can be either `string` or `Image`. Returns: Job: Returns the modified :class:`Job` object. """ if image: if isinstance(image, str): image = Image(image) self._image = image return self def set_allow_failure( self, allow_failure: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]] ) -> Job: """Sets `allow_failure` for this job. Args: allow_failure (Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]]): The value `None` means that `allow_failure` is unset and is not rendered in the output of this job. """ self._allow_failure = allow_failure return self def _get_all_instance_names(self) -> Set[str]: """Query all the possible names this job can have by residing within parent `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s. The possible image names are built by the `name` of this job plus all the possible prefix values from parent parent `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s. The prefix values from parent sequences are their names prefixed with the names of the parent parent sequences and so on. Imagine Job `A` resides within following sequenes: ``` B: A C: D: A ``` Then the instance names of `A` would be `B-A` and `C-D-A`. """ instance_names: Set[str] = set() for parent in self._parents: for prefix in parent._get_all_instance_names(self): if prefix: instance_names.add(f"{prefix}-{self._name}") else: instance_names.add(self._name) return instance_names def _copy(self) -> Job: """Returns an independent, deep copy object of this job. Returns: `Job`: A copy of this job which, when modified, has no effects on this source job. """ job_copy = copy.deepcopy(self) job_copy._original = self return job_copy def render(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a representation of this Job object as dictionary with static values. The rendered representation is used by the gcip to dump it in YAML format as part of the .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the job object in Gitlab CI. """ # late import to avoid circular dependencies from .sequence import Sequence rendered_job: Dict[str, Any] = {} if self._image: rendered_job["image"] = self._image.render() # self._allow_failure should not be rendered when its value is None or # the internal special value 'untouched' if isinstance(self._allow_failure, bool): rendered_job["allow_failure"] = self._allow_failure elif isinstance(self._allow_failure, int): rendered_job["allow_failure"] = {"exit_codes": [self._allow_failure]} elif isinstance(self._allow_failure, list): rendered_job["allow_failure"] = {"exit_codes": self._allow_failure} if self._dependencies is not None: dependency_jobs: List[Job] = list() for dependency in self._dependencies: if isinstance(dependency, Job): dependency_jobs.append(dependency) elif isinstance(dependency, Sequence): for job in dependency.nested_jobs: dependency_jobs.append(job) else: raise TypeError( f"Dependency '{dependency}' is of type {type(dependency)}." ) dependency_names: Set[str] = set() for job in dependency_jobs: dependency_names.update(job._get_all_instance_names()) rendered_job["dependencies"] = sorted(dependency_names) if self._needs is not None: need_jobs: List[Job] = list() rendered_needs: List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]] = list() for need in self._needs: if isinstance(need, Job): need_jobs.append(need) elif isinstance(need, Sequence): for job in need.last_jobs_executed: need_jobs.append(job) elif isinstance(need, Need): rendered_needs.append(need.render()) else: raise TypeError(f"Need '{need}' is of type {type(need)}.") job_names: Set[str] = set() for job in need_jobs: job_names.update(job._get_all_instance_names()) for name in job_names: rendered_needs.append(Need(name).render()) # sort needs by the name of the referenced job or pipeline rendered_needs = sorted( rendered_needs, key=lambda need: need["job"] if "job" in need else need["pipeline"], ) rendered_job["needs"] = rendered_needs rendered_job.update( { "stage": self._stage, "script": [ *self._scripts_to_prepend, *self._scripts, *self._scripts_to_append, ], } ) if self._variables: rendered_job["variables"] = self._variables if self._rules: rendered_rules = [] for rule in self._rules: rendered_rules.append(rule.render()) rendered_job.update({"rules": rendered_rules}) if self._cache: rendered_job.update({"cache": self._cache.render()}) if self._when: rendered_job.update({"when": self._when.value}) if self._timeout: rendered_job.update({"timeout": self._timeout}) if self._resource_group: rendered_job.update({"resource_group": self._resource_group}) if self._artifacts: rendered_artifacts = self._artifacts.render() if rendered_artifacts: rendered_job.update({"artifacts": rendered_artifacts}) if self._tags.keys(): rendered_job["tags"] = list(self._tags.keys()) if self._environment: rendered_job["environment"] = self._environment.render() if self._retry: rendered_job["retry"] = self._retry.render() return rendered_job
- Bootstrap
- Deploy
- Diff
- Scan
- Build
- Push
- ScanLocalImage
- TrivyIgnoreFileCheck
- Mirror
- AsciiDoctor
- Pdoc3
- Sphinx
- IncrementGitlabTags
- SendMail
- BdistWheel
- TwineUpload
- Flake8
- Isort
- Mypy
- Ruff
- EvaluateGitTagPep440Conformity
- Pytest
- PagesJob
- TriggerJob
Instance variables
prop allow_failure : Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]]
The allow_failure keyword of the Job.
A value of
means this key is unset and thus not contained in the rendered output.Expand source code
@property def allow_failure(self) -> Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]]: """The [allow_failure]( keyword of the Job. A value of `None` means this key is unset and thus not contained in the rendered output. """ if ( self._allow_failure is None or isinstance(self._allow_failure, bool) or isinstance(self._allow_failure, int) or isinstance(self._allow_failure, list) ): return self._allow_failure return None
prop artifacts : Artifacts
The artifacts keyword of the Job.
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@property def artifacts(self) -> Artifacts: """The [artifacts]( keyword of the Job.""" if not self._artifacts: self._artifacts = Artifacts() return self._artifacts
prop cache : Optional[Cache]
The cache keyword of the Job
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@property def cache(self) -> Optional[Cache]: """The [cache]( keyword of the Job""" return self._cache
prop dependencies : Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]]
The dependencies keyword of the Job
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@property def dependencies(self) -> Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]]: """The [dependencies]( keyword of the Job""" return self._dependencies
prop environment : Optional[Environment]
The environment keyword of the Job
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@property def environment(self) -> Optional[Environment]: """The [environment]( keyword of the Job""" return self._environment
prop image : Optional[Image]
The image keyword of the Job
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@property def image(self) -> Optional[Image]: """The [image]( keyword of the Job""" return self._image
prop name : str
The name of the Job
This property is affected by the rendering process, where
s will populate the job name depending on their names. That means you can be sure to get the jobs final name when rendered.Expand source code
@property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the Job This property is affected by the rendering process, where `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s will populate the job name depending on their names. That means you can be sure to get the jobs final name when rendered. """ return self._name
prop needs : Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]]
The needs keyword of the Job
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@property def needs(self) -> Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]]: """The [needs]( keyword of the Job""" return self._needs
prop resource_group : Optional[str]
The resource_group keyword of the Job
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@property def resource_group(self) -> Optional[str]: """The [resource_group]( keyword of the Job""" return self._resource_group
prop retry : Optional[Retry]
The retry keyword of the Job
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@property def retry(self) -> Optional[Retry]: """The [retry]( keyword of the Job""" return self._retry
prop rules : List[Rule]
The rules keyword of the Job
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@property def rules(self) -> List[Rule]: """The [rules]( keyword of the Job""" return self._rules
prop scripts : List[str]
The script keyword of the Job
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@property def scripts(self) -> List[str]: """The [script]( keyword of the Job""" return self._scripts
prop stage : str
The stage keyword of the Job
This property is affected by the rendering process, where
s will populate the job stage depending on their stages. That means you can be sure to get the jobs final stage when rendered.Expand source code
@property def stage(self) -> str: """The [stage]( keyword of the Job This property is affected by the rendering process, where `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s will populate the job stage depending on their stages. That means you can be sure to get the jobs final stage when rendered. """ return self._stage
The tags keyword of the Job
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@property def tags(self) -> List[str]: """The [tags]( keyword of the Job""" return list(self._tags.keys())
prop timeout : Optional[str]
The timeout keyword of the Job
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@property def timeout(self) -> Optional[str]: """The [timeout]( keyword of the Job""" return self._timeout
prop variables : Dict[str, str]
The variables keyword of the Job
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@property def variables(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """The [variables]( keyword of the Job""" return self._variables
prop when : Optional[WhenStatement]
The when keyword of the Job
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@property def when(self) -> Optional[WhenStatement]: """The [when]( keyword of the Job""" return self._when
def add_dependencies(self, *dependencies: Union[Job, Sequence])
Add one or more dependencies to the job.
*dependencies (Union[Need, Job, Sequence]):
- Returns the modified
def add_needs(self, *needs: Union[Need, Job, Sequence])
def add_variables(self, **variables: str) ‑> Job
def append_rules(self, *rules: Rule) ‑> Job
def append_scripts(self, *scripts: str) ‑> Job
def prepend_rules(self, *rules: Rule) ‑> Job
def prepend_scripts(self, *scripts: str) ‑> Job
def render(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
Return a representation of this Job object as dictionary with static values.
The rendered representation is used by the gcip to dump it in YAML format as part of the .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline.
Dict[str, Any]
- A dictionary representing the job object in Gitlab CI.
def set_allow_failure(self, allow_failure: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]]) ‑> Job
for this job.Args
:Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]]
- The value
means thatallow_failure
is unset and is not rendered in the output of this job.
def set_artifacts(self, artifacts: Optional[Artifacts]) ‑> Job
def set_cache(self, cache: Optional[Cache]) ‑> Job
def set_dependencies(self, dependencies: Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]])
Set/overwrite the list of dependencies of this job.
:Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]]
- A list of
s orSequence
s this job depends on. If the list is empty, the job dependencies nothing and would immediately run. IfNone
given, then thedependencies
keyword of this job will not be rendered in the pipeline output.
- Returns the modified
def set_environment(self, environment: Optional[Union[Environment, str]]) ‑> Job
Sets the environment of this job.
For a simple environment you can provide the environment as string. If you want to set the environment url or other options, you have to provide an Environment object instead.
:Optional[Union[Environment, str]]
- Can be either
def set_image(self, image: Optional[Union[Image, str]]) ‑> Job
Sets the image of this job.
For a simple container image you can provide the origin of the image. If you want to set the entrypoint, you have to provide an Image object instead.
:Optional[Union[Image, str]]
- Can be either
def set_needs(self, needs: Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]])
Set/overwrite the list of needs of this job.
:Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]]
- A list of
s orSequence
s this job depends on. If the list is empty, the job needs nothing and would immediately run. IfNone
given, then theneeds
keyword of this job will not be rendered in the pipeline output.
- Returns the modified
def set_resource_group(self, resource_group: Optional[str]) ‑> Job
Sets the resource_group keyword of the Job.
Any previous values will be overwritten.
- A string defining a resource group as in the Gitlab CI documentation.
- Returns the modified
def set_retry(self, retry: Optional[Union[Retry, int]]) ‑> Job
Sets the retry count of this job.
For a simple retry you can provide the retry count as number. If you want to set the when condition or exit codes, you have to provide an retry object instead.
:Optional[Union[Retry, int]]
- Can be either
def set_timeout(self, timeout: Optional[str]) ‑> Job
def set_when(self, when: Optional[WhenStatement]) ‑> Job
Sets the when keyword of the Job.
Any previous values will be overwritten.
- See
- Returns the modified
class JobFilter (*, script: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, stage: Optional[str] = None, image: Optional[Union[Image, str]] = None, allow_failure: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]] = None, variables: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, tags: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, rules: Optional[Union[Rule, List[Rule]]] = None, dependencies: Optional[Union[str, Job, Sequence, List[Union[str, Job, Sequence]]]] = None, needs: Optional[Union[str, Need, Job, Sequence, List[Union[str, Need, Job, Sequence]]]] = None, artifacts: Optional[Union[Artifacts, List[str]]] = None, cache: Optional[Union[Cache, List[str]]] = None, when: Optional[WhenStatement] = None, timeout: Optional[str] = None, resource_group: Optional[str] = None, environment: Optional[Union[Environment, str]] = None, retry: Optional[Union[Retry, int]] = None)
This class is used to check if Jobs matches certain criterias.
When created, you could use the
method, to check ifJob
s match theJobFilter
criterias:filter = JobFilter(script="foo.*") job = Job(stage="test", script="foobar") assert filter.match(job)
Check the arguments for all optional criterias:
:Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]
, optional- Could be a single or a list of regular expressions. A job matches if for every regex provided there is a matching script in the job. Defaults to None.
, optional- A job matches if the regex provided matches the jobs name. ATTENTION: A jobs name is always composed of the name and stage parameter given to its init-Method, separated by a dash. Also all underscores are replaced by a dash. Defaults to None.
, optional- A job matches if the regex provided matches the jobs stage. ATTENTION: A jobs stage is always the stage given to the jobs init-Method with all dashres replaces by underscores. Defaults to None.
:Optional[Union[Image, str]]
, optional- A job matches depending on the type of the value provided. If the parameter a regex (str), a job
matches if the regex matches to the jobs image name. If the parameter is an
, a job matches if the attributes of theImage
provided equals to theImage
attributes of the job. Defaults to None. allow_failure
- A job matches if
matches to the value of this filter. The filter allows two special string values 'untouched' - which filters out jobs whose 'allow_failure' value has not been set before - as well as 'none' - which filters out jobs whose 'allow_failure' value has explicitly been set to None by the user. variables
:Optional[Dict[str, str]]
, optional- The keys of the dictionary provided are variable names, the values are regular expressions. A job matches if it contains all variable names provided and their values matches the appropriate regular expressions. Defaults to None.
:Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]
- Could be a single or a list of regular expressions. A job matches if for every regex provided there is a matching tag in the job. Defaults to None.
:Optional[Union[Rule, List[Rule]]]
, optional- A job matches if he contains all rules provided. The rules are compared by their equality of their attributes. Defaults to None.
:Optional[Union[str, Job, Sequence, List[Union[str, Job, Sequence]]]]
- A Job matches depending on the type of the value provided.
If the value is a (list of)
s orSequence
s, a job matches if that jobsdependencies
contains all the Jobs and Sequences provided. Jobs and Sequences are compared by their identity. If the value is a list of strings representing regular expressions, a job matches if for every regex provided there is a need whith a job name matching to this regex. If the dependency is a sequence, at least one job from the sequence must match. Defaults to None. needs
:Optional[List[Union[str, Need, Job, Sequence]]]
, optional- A job matches depending on the type of the value provided. If the value is a
(list of)
s orNeed
s, a job matches if that jobsneeds
contains all the Jobs, Sequences and Needs provided. Jobs and Sequences are compared by their identity. Needs are compared by their equality of their attributes. If the value is a list of strings representing regular expressions, a job matches if for every regex provided there is a need whith a job name matching to this regex. If the Need is a sequence, at least one job from the last stage must match. Defaults to None. artifacts
:Optional[Union[Artifacts, List[str]]]
, optional- A job matches depending on the type of the value provided. If the value is an
, a job matches if its artifacts properties equals to the provided artifacts properties. If the value is a list of strings as regular expressions, a job matches if for every regex provided there is at least one matching path in the jobs artifacts object. Defaults to None. cache
:Optional[Union[Cache, List[str]]]
, optional- A job matches depending on the type of the value provided. If the value is a
, a job matches if itsCache
properties equals to the provided cache properties. If the value is a list of strings as regular expressions, a job matches if for every regex provided there is at least one matching path in the jobs artifacts object. ATTENTION: A caches internal path always starts with './'. Defaults to None. when
, optional- A job matches, if the value of the WhenStatement enum is equal to the one of the filter.
- A job matches if the value is equal to the one of the filter.
- A job matches if the value is equal to the one of the filter.
:Optional[Union[Environment, str]]
, optional- A job matches depending on the type of the value provided. If the parameter a regex (str), a job
matches if the regex matches to the jobs environment name. If the parameter is an
, a job matches if the attributes of theEnvironment
provided equals to theEnvironment
attributes of the job. Defaults to None. retry
:Optional[Retry, int]
- A job matches if either the given Retry objects match or the Jobs retry max count matches to the given number.
Expand source code
class JobFilter: def __init__( self, *, script: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, stage: Optional[str] = None, image: Optional[Union[Image, str]] = None, allow_failure: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]] = None, variables: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, tags: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, rules: Optional[Union[Rule, List[Rule]]] = None, dependencies: Optional[ Union[str, Job, Sequence, List[Union[str, Job, Sequence]]] ] = None, needs: Optional[ Union[str, Need, Job, Sequence, List[Union[str, Need, Job, Sequence]]] ] = None, artifacts: Optional[Union[Artifacts, List[str]]] = None, cache: Optional[Union[Cache, List[str]]] = None, when: Optional[WhenStatement] = None, timeout: Optional[str] = None, resource_group: Optional[str] = None, environment: Optional[Union[Environment, str]] = None, retry: Optional[Union[Retry, int]] = None, ) -> None: """ This class is used to check if Jobs matches certain criterias. When created, you could use the `equals` method, to check if `Job`s match the `JobFilter` criterias: ``` filter = JobFilter(script="foo.*") job = Job(stage="test", script="foobar") assert filter.match(job) ``` Check the arguments for all optional criterias: Args: script (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional): Could be a single or a list of regular expressions. A job matches if for every regex provided there is a matching script in the job. Defaults to None. name (Optional[str], optional): A job matches if the regex provided matches the jobs name. ATTENTION: A jobs name is always composed of the name and stage parameter given to its init-Method, separated by a dash. Also all underscores are replaced by a dash. Defaults to None. stage (Optional[str], optional): A job matches if the regex provided matches the jobs stage. ATTENTION: A jobs stage is always the stage given to the jobs init-Method with all dashres replaces by underscores. Defaults to None. image (Optional[Union[Image, str]], optional): A job matches depending on the type of the value provided. If the parameter a regex (str), a job matches if the regex matches to the jobs image name. If the parameter is an `Image`, a job matches if the attributes of the `Image` provided equals to the `Image` attributes of the job. Defaults to None. allow_failure (Optional[bool]): A job matches if `allow_failure` matches to the value of this filter. The filter allows two special string values 'untouched' - which filters out jobs whose 'allow_failure' value has not been set before - as well as 'none' - which filters out jobs whose 'allow_failure' value has explicitly been set to None by the user. variables (Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional): The keys of the dictionary provided are variable names, the values are regular expressions. A job matches if it contains all variable names provided and their values matches the appropriate regular expressions. Defaults to None. tags (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]): Could be a single or a list of regular expressions. A job matches if for every regex provided there is a matching tag in the job. Defaults to None. rules (Optional[Union[Rule, List[Rule]]], optional): A job matches if he contains all rules provided. The rules are compared by their equality of their attributes. Defaults to None. dependencies (Optional[Union[str, Job, Sequence, List[Union[str, Job, Sequence]]]]): A Job matches depending on the type of the value provided. If the value is a (list of) `Job`s or `Sequence`s, a job matches if that jobs `dependencies` contains all the Jobs and Sequences provided. Jobs and Sequences are compared by their identity. If the value is a list of strings representing regular expressions, a job matches if for every regex provided there is a need whith a job name matching to this regex. If the dependency is a sequence, at least one job from the sequence must match. Defaults to None. needs (Optional[List[Union[str, Need, Job, Sequence]]], optional): A job matches depending on the type of the value provided. If the value is a (list of) `Job`s, `Sequence`s or `Need`s, a job matches if that jobs `needs` contains all the Jobs, Sequences and Needs provided. Jobs and Sequences are compared by their identity. Needs are compared by their equality of their attributes. If the value is a list of strings representing regular expressions, a job matches if for every regex provided there is a need whith a job name matching to this regex. If the Need is a sequence, at least one job from the last stage must match. Defaults to None. artifacts (Optional[Union[Artifacts, List[str]]], optional): A job matches depending on the type of the value provided. If the value is an `Artifacts`, a job matches if its artifacts properties equals to the provided artifacts properties. If the value is a list of strings as regular expressions, a job matches if for every regex provided there is at least one matching path in the jobs artifacts object. Defaults to None. cache (Optional[Union[Cache, List[str]]], optional): A job matches depending on the type of the value provided. If the value is a `Cache`, a job matches if its `Cache` properties equals to the provided cache properties. If the value is a list of strings as regular expressions, a job matches if for every regex provided there is at least one matching path in the jobs artifacts object. ATTENTION: A caches internal path always starts with './'. Defaults to None. when (Optional[WhenStatement], optional): A job matches, if the value of the WhenStatement enum is equal to the one of the filter. timeout (Optional[str]): A job matches if the value is equal to the one of the filter. resource_group (Optional[str]): A job matches if the value is equal to the one of the filter. environment (Optional[Union[Environment, str]], optional): A job matches depending on the type of the value provided. If the parameter a regex (str), a job matches if the regex matches to the jobs environment name. If the parameter is an `Environment`, a job matches if the attributes of the `Environment` provided equals to the `Environment` attributes of the job. Defaults to None. retry (Optional[Retry, int]): A job matches if either the given Retry objects match or the Jobs retry max count matches to the given number. """ self._script: Optional[List[str]] if isinstance(script, str): self._script = [script] else: self._script = script self._name = name self._stage = stage self._image = image self._allow_failure = allow_failure self._variables = variables self._tags: Optional[List[str]] if isinstance(tags, str): self._tags = [tags] else: self._tags = tags self._rules: Optional[List[Rule]] if isinstance(rules, Rule): self._rules = [rules] else: self._rules = rules # late import to avoid circular dependencies from .sequence import Sequence self._dependencies: Optional[List[Union[str, Job, Sequence]]] if ( isinstance(dependencies, str) or isinstance(dependencies, Job) or isinstance(dependencies, Sequence) ): self._dependencies = [dependencies] else: self._dependencies = dependencies self._needs: Optional[List[Union[str, Need, Job, Sequence]]] if ( isinstance(needs, str) or isinstance(needs, Need) or isinstance(needs, Job) or isinstance(needs, Sequence) ): self._needs = [needs] else: self._needs = needs self._artifacts = artifacts self._cache = cache self._when = when self._timeout = timeout self._resource_group = resource_group self._environment = environment self._retry = retry # flake8: noqa: C901 def match(self, job: Job) -> bool: if self._script: for script in self._script: match_in_this_iteration = False for job_script in job._scripts: if re.match(script, job_script): match_in_this_iteration = True break if not match_in_this_iteration: return False if self._name and not re.match(self._name, job._name): return False if self._stage and not re.match(self._stage, job._stage): return False if self._image: if not job._image: return False elif isinstance(self._image, Image) and not self._image._equals(job._image): return False elif isinstance(self._image, str) and not re.match( self._image, str(job._image.render()["name"]) ): return False if self._allow_failure: if job._allow_failure is None: if self._allow_failure != "none": return False elif self._allow_failure != job._allow_failure: return False if self._variables: for key in self._variables.keys(): if key not in job._variables: return False elif not re.match(self._variables[key], job._variables[key]): return False if self._tags: for tag in self._tags: match_in_this_iteration = False for job_tag in job._tags.keys(): if re.match(tag, job_tag): match_in_this_iteration = True break if not match_in_this_iteration: return False if self._rules: for self_rule in self._rules: match_in_this_iteration = False for job_rule in job._rules: if self_rule._equals(job_rule): match_in_this_iteration = True break if not match_in_this_iteration: return False if self._dependencies: if job._dependencies is None: return False else: # because the language checker does not recognise we have already checked, that # `job._dependencies` is not None, we need to create a new variable that we use in the # following code. The language checker accepts `job_dependencies` as not None job_dependencies = job._dependencies # late import to avoid circular dependencies from .sequence import Sequence for dependency in self._dependencies: if ( isinstance(dependency, Job) or isinstance(dependency, Sequence) ) and dependency not in job_dependencies: return False match_in_this_iteration = False if isinstance(dependency, str): for job_dependency in job_dependencies: if isinstance(job_dependency, Job) and re.match( dependency, job_dependency._name ): match_in_this_iteration = True break elif isinstance(job_dependency, Sequence): for job in job_dependency.nested_jobs: if re.match(dependency, job._name): match_in_this_iteration = True break if match_in_this_iteration: break if not match_in_this_iteration: return False if self._needs: if job._needs is None: return False else: # because the language checker does not recognise we have already checked, that # `job._needs` is not None, we need to create a new variable that we use in the # following code. The language checker accepts `job_needs` as not None job_needs = job._needs # late import to avoid circular dependencies from .sequence import Sequence for need in self._needs: if ( isinstance(need, Job) or isinstance(need, Sequence) ) and need not in job_needs: return False match_in_this_iteration = False if isinstance(need, Need): for job_need in job_needs: if isinstance(job_need, Need) and need._equals(job_need): match_in_this_iteration = True break if not match_in_this_iteration: return False match_in_this_iteration = False if isinstance(need, str): for job_need in job_needs: if ( isinstance(job_need, Need) and job_need._job and re.match(need, job_need._job) ): match_in_this_iteration = True break elif isinstance(job_need, Job) and re.match( need, job_need._name ): match_in_this_iteration = True break elif isinstance(job_need, Sequence): for job in job_need.last_jobs_executed: if re.match(need, job._name): match_in_this_iteration = True break if match_in_this_iteration: break if not match_in_this_iteration: return False if self._artifacts: if isinstance(self._artifacts, Artifacts): if not self._artifacts._equals(job._artifacts): return False elif isinstance(self._artifacts, list): for artifact in self._artifacts: match_in_this_iteration = False for job_artifact_path in job.artifacts._paths: if re.match(artifact, job_artifact_path): match_in_this_iteration = True break if not match_in_this_iteration: return False if self._cache: if not job._cache: return False if isinstance(self._cache, Cache): if not self._cache._equals(job._cache): return False elif isinstance(self._cache, list): for regex in self._cache: match_in_this_iteration = False for path in job._cache._paths: if re.match(regex, path): match_in_this_iteration = True break if not match_in_this_iteration: return False if self._when: if not job._when: return False if not self._when == job._when: return False if self._timeout: if not job._timeout: return False if self._timeout != job._timeout: return False if self._resource_group: if not job._resource_group: return False if self._resource_group != job._resource_group: return False if self._environment: if not job._environment: return False elif isinstance( self._environment, Environment ) and not self._environment._equals(job._environment): return False elif isinstance(self._environment, str) and not re.match( self._environment, str(job._environment.render()["name"]) ): return False if self._retry: if not job._retry: return False elif isinstance(self._retry, Retry) and not self._retry._equals(job._retry): return False elif isinstance(self._retry, int) and self._retry != job._retry.max: return False return True
def match(self, job: Job) ‑> bool
class PagesJob
This class represents the Gitlab CI Job
:Union[AnyStr, List[str]]
- The script(s) to be executed.
- The name of the job. In opposite to
only the name is set and not the stage of the job. Ifname
is set, than the jobs stage has no value, which defaults to the 'test' stage. Eithername
must be set. Defaults toNone
. stage
- The name and stage of the job. In opposite to
also the jobs stage will be setup with this value. Eithername
must be set. Defaults toNone
. allow_failure
- The allow_failure keyword of the Job.
Defaults to
This is a special kind of jobs which deploys Gitlab Pages.
This job has the static name
and the static artifacts path./public
. Both preconfigurations can't be altered and are required for deploying Gitlab Pages properly. All methods which would typically alter the name, stage and artifacts of a job are overwritten with an empty implementation.This job is only for deploying Gitlab Pages artifacts within the
artifacts path. To create the artifacts you have to run jobs, that generate those artifacts within the same./public
artifacts path, before this PagesJob in the pipeline.Because the name of the job can't be altered, this job may only exist once in the generated pipeline output. Typically you should add the PagesJob to the
.The PagesJob is also preconfigured with the stage
and the imagealpine:latest
. To change the stage of this job, use theset_stage()
method. Please mention to run this job in a stage after all jobs, that fill thepublic
artifacts path with content.Here a simple example how to use the GitlabPages job:
pipeline = Pipeline() pipeline.add_children( Job(stage="deploy", script="./").add_artifacts_paths("public"), PagesJob(), )
Expand source code
class PagesJob(Job): def __init__(self) -> None: """ This is a special kind of jobs which deploys Gitlab Pages. This job has the static name `pages` and the static artifacts path `./public`. Both preconfigurations can't be altered and are required for deploying Gitlab Pages properly. All methods which would typically alter the name, stage and artifacts of a job are overwritten with an empty implementation. This job is only for deploying Gitlab Pages artifacts within the `./public` artifacts path. To create the artifacts you have to run jobs, that generate those artifacts within the same `./public` artifacts path, before this PagesJob in the pipeline. Because the name of the job can't be altered, this job may only exist once in the generated pipeline output. Typically you should add the PagesJob to the `gcip.core.pipeline.Pipeline`. The PagesJob is also preconfigured with the stage `pages` and the image `alpine:latest`. To change the stage of this job, use the `set_stage()` method. Please mention to run this job in a stage after all jobs, that fill the `public` artifacts path with content. Here a simple example how to use the GitlabPages job: ``` pipeline = Pipeline() pipeline.add_children( Job(stage="deploy", script="./").add_artifacts_paths("public"), PagesJob(), ) ``` """ super().__init__(stage="pages", script="echo 'Publishing Gitlab Pages'") self._name = "pages" super().artifacts.add_paths("public") super().set_image("busybox:latest") def set_stage(self, stage: str) -> PagesJob: """Set the name of this jobs stage to a value other than `pages`. Args: stage (str): A valid Gitlab CI Job stage name. Returns: PagesJob: The modified PagesJob object. """ self._stage = stage return self def _extend_name(self, name: Optional[str]) -> None: """ The jobs name `pages` is fixed and can't be altered. """ def _extend_stage(self, stage: Optional[str]) -> None: """ The stage name can't be altered from parent sequences. """ def _extend_stage_value(self, stage: Optional[str]) -> None: pass def _get_all_instance_names(self) -> Set[str]: """ There should be only one instance of the job with the name `pages`. Returns: Set[str]: `set("pages")` """ return set(self._name) def _copy(self) -> Job: """ There should be only one instance of this job, that is why this method does not return a copy of this job but the job itself. """ return self def add_artifacts_paths(self, *paths: str) -> Job: """ This job does not accept further artifact paths than `./public` and thus ignores this call. """ return self
def add_artifacts_paths(self, *paths: str) ‑> Job
This job does not accept further artifact paths than
and thus ignores this call. def set_stage(self, stage: str) ‑> PagesJob
Set the name of this jobs stage to a value other than
- A valid Gitlab CI Job stage name.
- The modified PagesJob object.
Inherited members
class ScriptArgumentNotAllowedError
This Exception could be raised if the argument 'scripts' is in given
.This exception is mainly for subclasses of
which define their customscript
but besides pass arbitrary keyword arguments to the super init method. Then the user should not be allowed to set thescript
argument.class MyJob(Job): def __init__(self, *, myarg, **kwargs): if "script" in kwargs: raise ScriptArgumentNotAllowedError() super().__init__(script="foobar", name=f"foo_{myarg}", **kwargs)
Expand source code
class ScriptArgumentNotAllowedError(Exception): """ This Exception could be raised if the argument 'scripts' is in given `kwargs`. This exception is mainly for subclasses of `Job` which define their custom `script` but besides pass arbitrary keyword arguments to the super init method. Then the user should not be allowed to set the `script` argument. ``` class MyJob(Job): def __init__(self, *, myarg, **kwargs): if "script" in kwargs: raise ScriptArgumentNotAllowedError() super().__init__(script="foobar", name=f"foo_{myarg}", **kwargs) ``` """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__( "The argument 'script' is not supported by this subclass of 'Job', " "because the class provides it custom script. However you can " "prepend/append scripts as usual." )
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class TriggerJob (name: Optional[str] = None, stage: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, branch: Optional[str] = None, includes: Union[Include, List[Include], None] = None, strategy: Optional[TriggerStrategy] = None)
This class represents the trigger job.
Jobs with trigger can only use a limited set of keywords. For example, you can’t run commands with
.Simple example:
trigger_job = TriggerJob( stage="trigger-other-job", project="myteam/other-project", branch="main", strategy=TriggerStrategy.DEPEND, ) trigger_job.append_rules(rules.on_tags().never(), rules.on_main())
- The full name of another Gitlab project to trigger (multi-project pipeline trigger)
Mutually exclusive with
. Defaults to None. branch
- The branch of
the pipeline should be triggered of. Defaults to None. includes
- Include a pipeline to trigger (Parent-child pipeline trigger)
Mutually exclusiv with
. Defaults to None. strategy
- Determines if the result of this pipeline depends on the triggered downstream pipeline
) or if just "fire and forget" the downstream pipeline (useNone
). Defaults to None.
- If both
are given. ValueError
- When the limit of three child pipelines is exceeded. See for more information.
Expand source code
class TriggerJob(Job): """This class represents the [trigger]( job. Jobs with trigger can only use a [limited set of keywords]( For example, you can’t run commands with `script`. Simple example: ```python trigger_job = TriggerJob( stage="trigger-other-job", project="myteam/other-project", branch="main", strategy=TriggerStrategy.DEPEND, ) trigger_job.append_rules(rules.on_tags().never(), rules.on_main()) ``` Args: project (Optional[str]): The full name of another Gitlab project to trigger (multi-project pipeline trigger) Mutually exclusive with `includes`. Defaults to None. branch (Optional[str]): The branch of `project` the pipeline should be triggered of. Defaults to None. includes (Optional[List[Include]]): Include a pipeline to trigger (Parent-child pipeline trigger) Mutually exclusiv with `project`. Defaults to None. strategy (Optional[TriggerStrategy]): Determines if the result of this pipeline depends on the triggered downstream pipeline (use `TriggerStrategy.DEPEND`) or if just "fire and forget" the downstream pipeline (use `None`). Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: If both `project` and `includes` are given. ValueError: When the limit of three child pipelines is exceeded. See for more information. """ def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, stage: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, branch: Optional[str] = None, includes: Union[Include, List[Include], None] = None, strategy: Optional[TriggerStrategy] = None, ) -> None: if includes and project: raise ValueError( ( "You cannot specify 'include' and 'project' together. Either 'include' or 'project' is possible." ) ) if not includes and not project: raise ValueError("Neither 'includes' nor 'project' is given.") super().__init__(name=name, stage=stage, script="none") self._project = project self._branch = branch self._strategy = strategy if not includes: self._includes = None elif isinstance(includes, Include): self._includes = [includes] elif isinstance(includes, list): if len(includes) > 3: raise ValueError( ( "The length of 'includes' is limited to three." "See for more information." ) ) self._includes = includes else: raise AttributeError( "script parameter must be of type string or list of strings" ) def render(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """Return a representation of this TriggerJob object as dictionary with static values. The rendered representation is used by the gcip to dump it in YAML format as part of the .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the trigger job object in Gitlab CI. """ rendered_job = super().render() # remove unsupported keywords from TriggerJob rendered_job.pop("script") if "image" in rendered_job: rendered_job.pop("image") if "tags" in rendered_job: rendered_job.pop("tags") if "artifacts" in rendered_job: rendered_job.pop("artifacts") if "cache" in rendered_job: rendered_job.pop("cache") trigger: Dict[str, Union[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]] = {} # Child pipelines if self._includes: trigger.update( { "include": [include.render() for include in self._includes], } ) # Multiproject pipelines if self._project: trigger.update( { "project": self._project, } ) if self._branch: trigger.update({"branch": self._branch}) if self._strategy: trigger.update({"strategy": self._strategy.value}) rendered_job = {"trigger": trigger, **rendered_job} return rendered_job
def render(self) ‑> Dict[Any, Any]
Return a representation of this TriggerJob object as dictionary with static values.
The rendered representation is used by the gcip to dump it in YAML format as part of the .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline.
Dict[str, Any]
- A dictionary representing the trigger job object in Gitlab CI.
Inherited members
class TriggerStrategy (*args, **kwds)
This class represents the trigger:strategy keyword.
Expand source code
class TriggerStrategy(Enum): """This class represents the [trigger:strategy]( keyword.""" DEPEND = "depend" """Use this strategy to force the `TriggerJob` to wait for the downstream (multi-project or child) pipeline to complete."""
- enum.Enum
Class variables
Use this strategy to force the
to wait for the downstream (multi-project or child) pipeline to complete.