Module gcip.core.sequence

A Sequence collects multiple Jobs and/or other Sequences into a group.

This concept is no official representation of a Gitlab CI keyword. But it is such a powerful extension of the Gitlab CI core funtionality and an essential building block of the gcip, that it is conained in the gcip.core module.

A Sequence offers a mostly similar interface like Jobs that allows to modify all Jobs and child Sequences contained into that parent Sequence. For example: Instad of calling add_tag() on a dozens of Jobs you can call add_tag() on the sequence that contain those Jobs. The tag will then be applied to all Jobs in that Sequence and recursively to all Jobs within child Sequenes of that Sequence.

Sequences must be added to a Pipeline, either directly or as part of other Sequences. That means Sequences are not meant to be a throw away configuration container for a bunch ob Jobs. This is because adding a Job to a Sequence creates a copy of that Job, which will be inderectly added to the Pipeline by that Sequence. Not adding that Sequence to a Pipeline means also not adding its Jobs to the Pipeline. If other parts of the Pipeline have dependencies to those Jobs, they will be broken.

As said before, adding a Job to a Sequence creates copies of that Job. To void conflicts between Jobs, you should set name and/or stage when adding the job (or child sequence). The sequence will add the name/stage to the ones of the Job, when rendering the pipeline. If you do not set those identifiers, or you set equal name/stages for jobs and sequences, you provoke having two or more jobs having the same name in the pipeline. The gcip will raise a ValueError, to avoid unexpected pipeline behavior. You can read more information in the chapter "Stages allow reuse of jobs and sequences" of the user documantation.


class Sequence

A Sequence collects multiple Jobs and/or other Sequences into a group.

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class Sequence:
    """A Sequence collects multiple `gcip.core.job.Job`s and/or other `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s into a group."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._children: List[ChildDict] = list()
        self._image_for_initialization: Optional[Union[Image, str]] = None
        self._image_for_replacement: Optional[Union[Image, str]] = None
        self._environment_for_initialization: Optional[Union[Environment, str]] = None
        self._environment_for_replacement: Optional[Union[Environment, str]] = None
        self._retry_for_initialization: Optional[Union[Retry, int]] = None
        self._retry_for_replacement: Optional[Union[Retry, int]] = None
        self._when_for_initialization: Optional[WhenStatement] = None
        self._when_for_replacement: Optional[WhenStatement] = None
        self._timeout_for_initialization: Optional[str] = None
        self._timeout_for_replacement: Optional[str] = None
        self._resource_group_for_initialization: Optional[str] = None
        self._resource_group_for_replacement: Optional[str] = None
        self._allow_failure_for_initialization: Optional[
            Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]
        ] = "untouched"
        self._allow_failure_for_replacement: Optional[
            Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]
        ] = "untouched"
        self._variables: Dict[str, str] = {}
        self._variables_for_initialization: Dict[str, str] = {}
        self._variables_for_replacement: Dict[str, str] = {}
        self._tags: OrderedSetType = {}
        self._tags_for_initialization: OrderedSetType = {}
        self._tags_for_replacement: OrderedSetType = {}
        self._artifacts: Optional[Artifacts] = None
        self._artifacts_for_initialization: Optional[Artifacts] = None
        self._artifacts_for_replacement: Optional[Artifacts] = None
        self._cache: Optional[Cache] = None
        self._cache_for_initialization: Optional[Cache] = None
        self._scripts_to_prepend: List[str] = []
        self._scripts_to_append: List[str] = []
        self._rules_to_append: List[Rule] = []
        self._rules_to_prepend: List[Rule] = []
        self._rules_for_initialization: List[Rule] = []
        self._rules_for_replacement: List[Rule] = []
        self._dependencies: Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]] = None
        self._dependencies_for_initialization: Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]] = (
        self._dependencies_for_replacement: Optional[List[Union[Job, Sequence]]] = None
        self._needs: Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]] = None
        self._needs_for_initialization: Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]] = (
        self._needs_for_replacement: Optional[List[Union[Need, Job, Sequence]]] = None
        self._parents: List[Sequence] = list()

    def _add_parent(self, parent: Sequence) -> None:

    def add_children(
        *jobs_or_sequences: Union[Job, Sequence],
        stage: Optional[str] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Sequence:
        """Add `gcip.core.job.Job`s or other `gcip.core.sequence.Sequence`s to this sequence.

        Adding a child creates a copy of that child. You should provide a name or stage
        when adding children, to make them different from other places where they will be used.

            jobs_or_sequences (Union[Job, Sequence]): One or more jobs or sequences to be added to this sequence.
            stage (Optional[str], optional): Adds a stages component to all children added. Defaults to None.
            name (Optional[str], optional): Adds a name component to all children added. Defaults to None.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        for child in jobs_or_sequences:
            self._children.append({"child": child, "stage": stage, "name": name})
        return self

    def add_variables(self, **variables: str) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.add_variables()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        return self

    def initialize_variables(self, **variables: str) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.add_variables()` to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been added variables before.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        return self

    def override_variables(self, **variables: str) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.add_variables()` to all jobs within this sequence and overriding any previously added variables to that jobs.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        return self

    def set_cache(self, cache: Cache) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_cache()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._cache = cache
        return self

    def initialize_cache(self, cache: Cache) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_cache()` to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been set the cache before.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._cache_for_initialization = cache
        return self

    def set_artifacts(self, artifacts: Artifacts) -> Sequence:
        """Sets `gcip.core.job.Job.artifacts` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._artifacts = artifacts
        return self

    def initialize_artifacts(self, artifacts: Artifacts) -> Sequence:
        """Sets `gcip.core.job.Job.artifacts` to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been set the artifacs before.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._artifacts_for_initialization = artifacts
        return self

    def override_artifacts(self, artifacts: Artifacts) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_artifacts()` to all jobs within this sequence and overriding any previously added artifacts to that jobs.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._artifacts_for_initialization = artifacts
        return self

    def add_tags(self, *tags: str) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.add_tags()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        for tag in tags:
            self._tags[tag] = None
        return self

    def initialize_tags(self, *tags: str) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.add_tags()` to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been added tags before.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        for tag in tags:
            self._tags_for_initialization[tag] = None
        return self

    def override_tags(self, *tags: str) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.add_tags()` to all jobs within this sequence and overriding any previously added tags to that jobs.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        for tag in tags:
            self._tags_for_replacement[tag] = None
        return self

    def append_rules(self, *rules: Rule) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.append_rules()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        return self

    def prepend_rules(self, *rules: Rule) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.prepend_rules()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._rules_to_prepend = list(rules) + self._rules_to_prepend
        return self

    def initialize_rules(self, *rules: Rule) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.append_rules()` to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been added rules before.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        return self

    def override_rules(self, *rules: Rule) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.override_rules()` to all jobs within this sequence and overriding any previously added rules to that jobs.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        return self

    def add_dependencies(self, *dependencies: Union[Job, Sequence]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.add_dependencies()` to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if self._dependencies is None:
            self._dependencies = []
        return self

    def initialize_dependencies(self, *dependencies: Union[Job, Sequence]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_dependencies()` to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence that haven't been added dependencies before.
        An empty parameter list means that jobs will get an empty dependency list and thus does not download artifacts by default.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._dependencies_for_initialization = list(dependencies)
        return self

    def override_dependencies(self, *dependencies: Union[Job, Sequence]) -> Sequence:
        Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_dependencies()` to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence and overriding any previously added
        dependencies to that jobs.
        An empty parameter list means that jobs will get an empty dependency list and thus does not download artifacts.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._dependencies_for_replacement = list(dependencies)
        return self

    def add_needs(self, *needs: Union[Need, Job, Sequence]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.add_need()` to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if self._needs is None:
            self._needs = []
        return self

    def initialize_needs(self, *needs: Union[Need, Job, Sequence]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_needs()` to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence that haven't been added needs before.
        An empty parameter list means that jobs will get an empty dependency list and thus does not depend on other jobs by default.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._needs_for_initialization = list(needs)
        return self

    def override_needs(self, *needs: Union[Need, Job, Sequence]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_needs()` to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence and overriding any previously added needs to that jobs.
        An empty parameter list means that jobs will get an empty dependency list and thus does not depend on other jobs.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._needs_for_replacement = list(needs)
        return self

    def prepend_scripts(self, *scripts: str) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.prepend_scripts()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._scripts_to_prepend = list(scripts) + self._scripts_to_prepend
        return self

    def append_scripts(self, *scripts: str) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.append_scripts()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        return self

    def initialize_image(self, image: Union[Image, str]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_image()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if image:
            self._image_for_initialization = image
        return self

    def override_image(self, image: Union[Image, str]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_image()` to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if image:
            self._image_for_replacement = image
        return self

    def initialize_environment(
        self, environment: Optional[Union[Environment, str]]
    ) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_environment()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if environment:
            self._environment_for_initialization = environment
        return self

    def override_environment(
        self, environment: Optional[Union[Environment, str]]
    ) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_environment()` to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if environment:
            self._environment_for_replacement = environment
        return self

    def initialize_retry(self, retry: Optional[Union[Retry, int]]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_retry()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if retry:
            self._retry_for_initialization = retry
        return self

    def override_retry(self, retry: Optional[Union[Retry, int]]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_retry()` to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if retry:
            self._retry_for_replacement = retry
        return self

    def initialize_when(self, when: Optional[WhenStatement]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_when()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if when:
            self._when_for_initialization = when
        return self

    def override_when(self, when: Optional[WhenStatement]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_when()` to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if when:
            self._when_for_replacement = when
        return self

    def initialize_timeout(self, timeout: Optional[str]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_timeout()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if timeout:
            self._timeout_for_initialization = timeout
        return self

    def override_timeout(self, timeout: Optional[str]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_timeout()` to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if timeout:
            self._timeout_for_replacement = timeout
        return self

    def initialize_resource_group(self, resource_group: Optional[str]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_resource_group()` to all jobs within this sequence.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if resource_group:
            self._resource_group_for_initialization = resource_group
        return self

    def override_resource_group(self, resource_group: Optional[str]) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_resource_group()` to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        if resource_group:
            self._resource_group_for_replacement = resource_group
        return self

    def initialize_allow_failure(
        self, allow_failure: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]]
    ) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_allow_failure()` to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been set the allow_failure before.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._allow_failure_for_initialization = allow_failure
        return self

    def override_allow_failure(
        self, allow_failure: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]]
    ) -> Sequence:
        """Calling `gcip.core.job.Job.set_allow_failure()` to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.

            `Sequence`: The modified `Sequence` object.
        self._allow_failure_for_replacement = allow_failure
        return self

    def _get_all_instance_names(self, child: Union[Job, Sequence]) -> Set[str]:
        """Return all instance names from the given child.

        That means all combinations of the childs name and stage within this
        sequence and all parent sequences.

        # first get all instance names from parents of this sequence
        own_instance_names: Set[str] = set()
        for parent in self._parents:

        # second get all instance names of the child within this sequence
        child_instance_names: Set[str] = set()
        child_instance_name: str
        for item in self._children:
            if item["child"] is child:
                child_name = item["name"]
                child_stage = item["stage"]
                if child_stage:
                    if child_name:
                        child_instance_name = f"{child_name}-{child_stage}"
                        child_instance_name = child_stage
                elif child_name:
                    child_instance_name = child_name
                    child_instance_name = ""

                # all job names have '-' instead of '_'
                child_instance_names.add(child_instance_name.replace("_", "-"))

        # third combine all instance names of this sequences
        # with all instance names of the child
        return_values: Set[str] = set()
        if own_instance_names:
            for child_instance_name in child_instance_names:
                for instance_name in own_instance_names:
                    if child_instance_name and instance_name:
                    elif child_instance_name:
            return_values = child_instance_names

        return return_values

    def last_jobs_executed(self) -> List[Job]:
        """This property returns all Jobs from the last stage of this sequence.

        This is typically be requested from a job which has setup this sequence as need,
        to determine all actual jobs of this sequence as need.
        all_jobs = self.populated_jobs
        stages: Dict[str, None] = {}
        for job in all_jobs:
            # use the keys of dictionary as ordered set
            stages[job.stage] = None

        last_stage = list(stages.keys())[-1]
        last_executed_jobs: List[Job] = list()
        for job in all_jobs:
            if job._stage == last_stage:
                if job._original:
                    raise AttributeError(
                        "job._original is None, because the job is not a copy of another job"

        return last_executed_jobs

    def find_jobs(
        self, *job_filters: JobFilter, include_sequence_attributes: bool = False
    ) -> Set[Job]:
        Find recursively all jobs matching one or more criterias.

        This sequence is looking for all its jobs and recursively for all jobs of
        its sub-sequences for jobs matching the `job_filters`. A job must match all
        criterias of a job_filter but must match at least one job_filter to be in the
        set of jobs returned. Or in other words, a job must match all criterias of at
        least one job_filter.

            *job_filters (JobFilter): One or more filters to select the jobs returned.
            include_sequence_attributes (bool): **IMPORTANT!** This flag affect the result.
                When set to `True`, when matching jobs to the `job_filters` also attributes
                inherited from parent sequences, where the job resides, in were considered. On the
                one hand this makes the search for jobs more natural, as you are looking for
                jobs like they were in the final yaml output. On the other hand it might be
                confusing that the jobs returned from the search are not containing the attributes
                you used when searching for that jobs. That is because those attributes
                are then inherited from parent sequences and not contained in the job itself.
                **ATTENTION:** Imagine two sequences contain the identical (not equal!) job object. In the resulting
                yaml pipeline this job is contained twice, but with different attributes, he inherits
                from his sequences. If you find and modify this job by the attributes of only one of
                its sequences. Nevertheless when editing the job, the changes will be made on the
                identical job object of both sequences. So you might only want to search and replace
                an attribute of only one resulting job in the final yaml pipeline, but in fact set the
                attributes for both resulting jobs, as you set the attribute on the job and not the
                If you only want to search jobs by attributes the jobs really have, then you have
                to set that flag to `False`. In this case the result may be confusing, because
                you might miss jobs in the result that clearly have attributes you are looking for
                in the final yaml pipeline. This is when those jobs only inherit those attributes
                from their parent pipelines.
                Because of the fact, that you accidentially modify two resulting jobs in the final
                yaml pipeline, by editing the identical job object contained in different sequences,
                the default value of `include_sequence_attributes` is `False`. When you set it to
                `True` you have to consider this fact.

            Set[Job]: The set contains all jobs, that match all criterias of at least
                one job filter.
        jobs: Set[Job] = set()

        if include_sequence_attributes:
            for job in self.populated_jobs:
                for filter in job_filters:
                    if filter.match(job):
                        if job._original:
                            raise AttributeError(
                                "job._original is None, because the job is not a copy of another job"
            for item in self._children:
                child = item["child"]
                if isinstance(child, Job):
                    for filter in job_filters:
                        if filter.match(child):
                elif isinstance(child, Sequence):
                    raise TypeError(
                        f"child in self._children is of wront type: {type(child)}"
        return jobs

    def nested_jobs(self) -> List[Job]:
        """Returns all jobs of this this sequences as well as jobs of sub-sequences recursively."""
        all_jobs: List[Job] = []
        for item in self._children:
            child = item["child"]
            if isinstance(child, Job):
            elif isinstance(child, Sequence):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Unexpected error. Sequence child is of unknown type '{type(child)}'."
        return all_jobs

    def populated_jobs(self) -> List[Job]:
        """Returns a list with populated copies of all nested jobs of this sequence.

        Populated means, that all attributes of a Job which depends on its context are resolved
        to their final values. The context is primarily the sequence within the jobs resides but
        also dependencies to other jobs and sequences. Thus this sequence will apply its own
        configuration, like variables to add, tags to set, etc., to all its jobs and sequences.

        Copies means what it says, that the returned job are not the same job objects, originally
        added to this sequence, but copies of them.

        Nested means, that also jobs from sequences within this sequence, are returned, as well
        as jobs from sequences within sequences within this sequence and so on.

            List[Job]: A list of copies of all nested jobs of this sequence with their final attribute values.
        all_jobs: List[Job] = []
        for item in self._children:
            child = item["child"]
            child_name = item["name"]
            child_stage = item["stage"]
            if isinstance(child, Sequence):
                for job_copy in child.populated_jobs:
            elif isinstance(child, Job):
                job_copy = child._copy()

        if all_jobs:
            first_job = all_jobs[0]
            if self._needs_for_initialization is not None and first_job._needs is None:
            if self._needs_for_replacement is not None:
            if self._needs is not None:
            for job in all_jobs[1:]:
                if job._stage == first_job.stage:
                    if (
                        self._needs_for_initialization is not None
                        and job._needs is None
                    if self._needs_for_replacement is not None:
                    if self._needs is not None:

        for job in all_jobs:
            if self._image_for_initialization and not job._image:
            if self._image_for_replacement:

            if self._environment_for_initialization and not job._environment:
            if self._environment_for_replacement:

            if self._retry_for_initialization and not job._retry:
            if self._retry_for_replacement:

            if self._when_for_initialization and not job._when:
            if self._when_for_replacement:

            if self._timeout_for_initialization and not job._timeout:
            if self._timeout_for_replacement:

            if self._resource_group_for_initialization and not job._resource_group:
            if self._resource_group_for_replacement:

            if (
                self._allow_failure_for_initialization != "untouched"
                and job._allow_failure == "untouched"
                job._allow_failure = self._allow_failure_for_initialization
            if self._allow_failure_for_replacement != "untouched":
                job._allow_failure = self._allow_failure_for_replacement

            if self._variables_for_initialization and not job._variables:
                job._variables = copy.deepcopy(self._variables_for_initialization)
            if self._variables_for_replacement:
                job._variables = copy.deepcopy(self._variables_for_replacement)

            if self._cache_for_initialization and not job._cache:
                job._cache = copy.deepcopy(self._cache_for_initialization)

            if self._artifacts_for_initialization and (
                not job.artifacts.paths and not job.artifacts.reports
                job._artifacts = copy.deepcopy(self._artifacts_for_initialization)
            if self._artifacts_for_replacement:
                job._artifacts = copy.deepcopy(self._artifacts_for_replacement)

            if (
                self._dependencies_for_initialization is not None
                and job._dependencies is None
            if self._dependencies_for_replacement is not None:
            if self._dependencies is not None:

            if self._tags_for_initialization and not job._tags:
                job._tags = copy.deepcopy(self._tags_for_initialization)
            if self._tags_for_replacement:
                job._tags = copy.deepcopy(self._tags_for_replacement)

            if self._rules_for_initialization and not job._rules:
                job._rules = copy.deepcopy(self._rules_for_initialization)
            if self._rules_for_replacement:
                job._rules = copy.deepcopy(self._rules_for_replacement)


        return all_jobs


Instance variables

prop last_jobs_executed : List[Job]

This property returns all Jobs from the last stage of this sequence.

This is typically be requested from a job which has setup this sequence as need, to determine all actual jobs of this sequence as need.

Expand source code
def last_jobs_executed(self) -> List[Job]:
    """This property returns all Jobs from the last stage of this sequence.

    This is typically be requested from a job which has setup this sequence as need,
    to determine all actual jobs of this sequence as need.
    all_jobs = self.populated_jobs
    stages: Dict[str, None] = {}
    for job in all_jobs:
        # use the keys of dictionary as ordered set
        stages[job.stage] = None

    last_stage = list(stages.keys())[-1]
    last_executed_jobs: List[Job] = list()
    for job in all_jobs:
        if job._stage == last_stage:
            if job._original:
                raise AttributeError(
                    "job._original is None, because the job is not a copy of another job"

    return last_executed_jobs
prop nested_jobs : List[Job]

Returns all jobs of this this sequences as well as jobs of sub-sequences recursively.

Expand source code
def nested_jobs(self) -> List[Job]:
    """Returns all jobs of this this sequences as well as jobs of sub-sequences recursively."""
    all_jobs: List[Job] = []
    for item in self._children:
        child = item["child"]
        if isinstance(child, Job):
        elif isinstance(child, Sequence):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Unexpected error. Sequence child is of unknown type '{type(child)}'."
    return all_jobs
prop populated_jobs : List[Job]

Returns a list with populated copies of all nested jobs of this sequence.

Populated means, that all attributes of a Job which depends on its context are resolved to their final values. The context is primarily the sequence within the jobs resides but also dependencies to other jobs and sequences. Thus this sequence will apply its own configuration, like variables to add, tags to set, etc., to all its jobs and sequences.

Copies means what it says, that the returned job are not the same job objects, originally added to this sequence, but copies of them.

Nested means, that also jobs from sequences within this sequence, are returned, as well as jobs from sequences within sequences within this sequence and so on.


A list of copies of all nested jobs of this sequence with their final attribute values.
Expand source code
def populated_jobs(self) -> List[Job]:
    """Returns a list with populated copies of all nested jobs of this sequence.

    Populated means, that all attributes of a Job which depends on its context are resolved
    to their final values. The context is primarily the sequence within the jobs resides but
    also dependencies to other jobs and sequences. Thus this sequence will apply its own
    configuration, like variables to add, tags to set, etc., to all its jobs and sequences.

    Copies means what it says, that the returned job are not the same job objects, originally
    added to this sequence, but copies of them.

    Nested means, that also jobs from sequences within this sequence, are returned, as well
    as jobs from sequences within sequences within this sequence and so on.

        List[Job]: A list of copies of all nested jobs of this sequence with their final attribute values.
    all_jobs: List[Job] = []
    for item in self._children:
        child = item["child"]
        child_name = item["name"]
        child_stage = item["stage"]
        if isinstance(child, Sequence):
            for job_copy in child.populated_jobs:
        elif isinstance(child, Job):
            job_copy = child._copy()

    if all_jobs:
        first_job = all_jobs[0]
        if self._needs_for_initialization is not None and first_job._needs is None:
        if self._needs_for_replacement is not None:
        if self._needs is not None:
        for job in all_jobs[1:]:
            if job._stage == first_job.stage:
                if (
                    self._needs_for_initialization is not None
                    and job._needs is None
                if self._needs_for_replacement is not None:
                if self._needs is not None:

    for job in all_jobs:
        if self._image_for_initialization and not job._image:
        if self._image_for_replacement:

        if self._environment_for_initialization and not job._environment:
        if self._environment_for_replacement:

        if self._retry_for_initialization and not job._retry:
        if self._retry_for_replacement:

        if self._when_for_initialization and not job._when:
        if self._when_for_replacement:

        if self._timeout_for_initialization and not job._timeout:
        if self._timeout_for_replacement:

        if self._resource_group_for_initialization and not job._resource_group:
        if self._resource_group_for_replacement:

        if (
            self._allow_failure_for_initialization != "untouched"
            and job._allow_failure == "untouched"
            job._allow_failure = self._allow_failure_for_initialization
        if self._allow_failure_for_replacement != "untouched":
            job._allow_failure = self._allow_failure_for_replacement

        if self._variables_for_initialization and not job._variables:
            job._variables = copy.deepcopy(self._variables_for_initialization)
        if self._variables_for_replacement:
            job._variables = copy.deepcopy(self._variables_for_replacement)

        if self._cache_for_initialization and not job._cache:
            job._cache = copy.deepcopy(self._cache_for_initialization)

        if self._artifacts_for_initialization and (
            not job.artifacts.paths and not job.artifacts.reports
            job._artifacts = copy.deepcopy(self._artifacts_for_initialization)
        if self._artifacts_for_replacement:
            job._artifacts = copy.deepcopy(self._artifacts_for_replacement)

        if (
            self._dependencies_for_initialization is not None
            and job._dependencies is None
        if self._dependencies_for_replacement is not None:
        if self._dependencies is not None:

        if self._tags_for_initialization and not job._tags:
            job._tags = copy.deepcopy(self._tags_for_initialization)
        if self._tags_for_replacement:
            job._tags = copy.deepcopy(self._tags_for_replacement)

        if self._rules_for_initialization and not job._rules:
            job._rules = copy.deepcopy(self._rules_for_initialization)
        if self._rules_for_replacement:
            job._rules = copy.deepcopy(self._rules_for_replacement)


    return all_jobs


def add_children(self, *jobs_or_sequences: Union[Job, Sequence], stage: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Sequence

Add Jobs or other Sequences to this sequence.

Adding a child creates a copy of that child. You should provide a name or stage when adding children, to make them different from other places where they will be used.


jobs_or_sequences : Union[Job, Sequence]
One or more jobs or sequences to be added to this sequence.
stage : Optional[str], optional
Adds a stages component to all children added. Defaults to None.
name : Optional[str], optional
Adds a name component to all children added. Defaults to None.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def add_dependencies(self, *dependencies: Union[Job, Sequence]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.add_dependencies() to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def add_needs(self, *needs: Union[Need, Job, Sequence]) ‑> Sequence

Calling gcip.core.job.Job.add_need() to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def add_tags(self, *tags: str) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.add_tags() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def add_variables(self, **variables: str) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.add_variables() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def append_rules(self, *rules: Rule) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.append_rules() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def append_scripts(self, *scripts: str) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.append_scripts() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def find_jobs(self, *job_filters: JobFilter, include_sequence_attributes: bool = False) ‑> Set[Job]

Find recursively all jobs matching one or more criterias.

This sequence is looking for all its jobs and recursively for all jobs of its sub-sequences for jobs matching the job_filters. A job must match all criterias of a job_filter but must match at least one job_filter to be in the set of jobs returned. Or in other words, a job must match all criterias of at least one job_filter.


*job_filters : JobFilter
One or more filters to select the jobs returned.
include_sequence_attributes : bool
IMPORTANT! This flag affect the result. When set to True, when matching jobs to the job_filters also attributes inherited from parent sequences, where the job resides, in were considered. On the one hand this makes the search for jobs more natural, as you are looking for jobs like they were in the final yaml output. On the other hand it might be confusing that the jobs returned from the search are not containing the attributes you used when searching for that jobs. That is because those attributes are then inherited from parent sequences and not contained in the job itself. ATTENTION: Imagine two sequences contain the identical (not equal!) job object. In the resulting yaml pipeline this job is contained twice, but with different attributes, he inherits from his sequences. If you find and modify this job by the attributes of only one of its sequences. Nevertheless when editing the job, the changes will be made on the identical job object of both sequences. So you might only want to search and replace an attribute of only one resulting job in the final yaml pipeline, but in fact set the attributes for both resulting jobs, as you set the attribute on the job and not the sequence. If you only want to search jobs by attributes the jobs really have, then you have to set that flag to False. In this case the result may be confusing, because you might miss jobs in the result that clearly have attributes you are looking for in the final yaml pipeline. This is when those jobs only inherit those attributes from their parent pipelines. Because of the fact, that you accidentially modify two resulting jobs in the final yaml pipeline, by editing the identical job object contained in different sequences, the default value of include_sequence_attributes is False. When you set it to True you have to consider this fact.


The set contains all jobs, that match all criterias of at least one job filter.
def initialize_allow_failure(self, allow_failure: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_allow_failure() to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been set the allow_failure before.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_artifacts(self, artifacts: Artifacts) ‑> Sequence

Sets Job.artifacts to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been set the artifacs before.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_cache(self, cache: Cache) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_cache() to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been set the cache before.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_dependencies(self, *dependencies: Union[Job, Sequence]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_dependencies() to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence that haven't been added dependencies before. An empty parameter list means that jobs will get an empty dependency list and thus does not download artifacts by default.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_environment(self, environment: Optional[Union[Environment, str]]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_environment() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_image(self, image: Union[Image, str]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_image() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_needs(self, *needs: Union[Need, Job, Sequence]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_needs() to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence that haven't been added needs before. An empty parameter list means that jobs will get an empty dependency list and thus does not depend on other jobs by default.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_resource_group(self, resource_group: Optional[str]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_resource_group() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_retry(self, retry: Optional[Union[Retry, int]]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_retry() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_rules(self, *rules: Rule) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.append_rules() to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been added rules before.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_tags(self, *tags: str) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.add_tags() to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been added tags before.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_timeout(self, timeout: Optional[str]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_timeout() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_variables(self, **variables: str) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.add_variables() to all jobs within this sequence that haven't been added variables before.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def initialize_when(self, when: Optional[WhenStatement]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_when() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_allow_failure(self, allow_failure: Optional[Union[bool, str, int, List[int]]]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_allow_failure() to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_artifacts(self, artifacts: Artifacts) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_artifacts() to all jobs within this sequence and overriding any previously added artifacts to that jobs.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_dependencies(self, *dependencies: Union[Job, Sequence]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_dependencies() to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence and overriding any previously added dependencies to that jobs. An empty parameter list means that jobs will get an empty dependency list and thus does not download artifacts.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_environment(self, environment: Optional[Union[Environment, str]]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_environment() to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_image(self, image: Union[Image, str]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_image() to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_needs(self, *needs: Union[Need, Job, Sequence]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_needs() to all jobs within the first stage of this sequence and overriding any previously added needs to that jobs. An empty parameter list means that jobs will get an empty dependency list and thus does not depend on other jobs.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_resource_group(self, resource_group: Optional[str]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_resource_group() to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_retry(self, retry: Optional[Union[Retry, int]]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_retry() to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_rules(self, *rules: Rule) ‑> Sequence

Calling gcip.core.job.Job.override_rules() to all jobs within this sequence and overriding any previously added rules to that jobs.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_tags(self, *tags: str) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.add_tags() to all jobs within this sequence and overriding any previously added tags to that jobs.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_timeout(self, timeout: Optional[str]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_timeout() to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_variables(self, **variables: str) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.add_variables() to all jobs within this sequence and overriding any previously added variables to that jobs.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def override_when(self, when: Optional[WhenStatement]) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_when() to all jobs within this sequence overriding any previous set value.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def prepend_rules(self, *rules: Rule) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.prepend_rules() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def prepend_scripts(self, *scripts: str) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.prepend_scripts() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def set_artifacts(self, artifacts: Artifacts) ‑> Sequence

Sets Job.artifacts to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.

def set_cache(self, cache: Cache) ‑> Sequence

Calling Job.set_cache() to all jobs within this sequence.


Sequence: The modified Sequence object.