

class AsciiDoctor (*, source: str, out_file: str, jobName: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'asciidoctor-pages', jobStage: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'build')

Translate the AsciiDoc source FILE as Gitlab Pages HTML5 file.

Runs asciidoctor {source} -o public{out_file}and stores the output as artifact under the public directory.

This subclass of Job will configure following defaults for the superclass:

  • name: asciidoctor-pages
  • stage: build
  • image: ruby:3-alpine
  • artifacts: Path 'public'


source : str
Source .adoc files to translate to HTML files.
out_file : str
Output HTML file.
Expand source code
class AsciiDoctor(Job):
    Translate the AsciiDoc source FILE as Gitlab Pages HTML5 file.

    Runs `asciidoctor {source} -o public{out_file}`and stores the output
    as artifact under the `public` directory.

    This subclass of `Job` will configure following defaults for the superclass:

    * name: asciidoctor-pages
    * stage: build
    * image: ruby:3-alpine
    * artifacts: Path 'public'

        source (str): Source .adoc files to translate to HTML files.
        out_file (str): Output HTML file.

    source: str
    out_file: str
    jobName: InitVar[str] = "asciidoctor-pages"
    jobStage: InitVar[str] = "build"

    def __post_init__(self, jobName: str, jobStage: str) -> None:
        super().__init__(script="", name=jobName, stage=jobStage)

    def render(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        self._scripts = [
            "gem install asciidoctor",
            f"asciidoctor {self.source} -o {_gitlab_pages_path(self.out_file)}",
        return super().render()


Class variables

var jobName : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var jobStage : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var out_file : str
var source : str

Inherited members

class Pdoc3 (*, module: str, output_path: str = '', jobName: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'pdoc3-pages', jobStage: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'build')

Generate a HTML API documentation of you python code as Gitlab Pages.

Runs pdoc3 --html -f --skip-errors --output-dir public{path} {module} and stores the output as artifact under the public directory.

This subclass of Job will configure following defaults for the superclass:

  • name: pdoc3-pages
  • stage: build
  • artifacts: Path 'public'


module : str
The Python module name. This may be an import path resolvable in the current environment, or a file path to a Python module or package.
output_path : str, optional
A sub path of the Gitlab Pages public directory to output generated HTML/markdown files to. Defaults to "/".


The Gitlab CI job generating Gitlab Pages with pdoc3.
Expand source code
class Pdoc3(Job):
    """Generate a HTML API documentation of you python code as Gitlab Pages.

    Runs `pdoc3 --html -f --skip-errors --output-dir public{path} {module}` and stores the output
    as artifact under the `public` directory.

    This subclass of `Job` will configure following defaults for the superclass:

    * name: pdoc3-pages
    * stage: build
    * artifacts: Path 'public'

        module (str): The Python module name. This may be an import path resolvable in the current environment,
            or a file path to a Python module or package.
        output_path (str, optional): A sub path of the Gitlab Pages `public` directory to output generated HTML/markdown files to. Defaults to "/".

        Job: The Gitlab CI job generating Gitlab Pages with pdoc3.

    module: str
    output_path: str = ""
    jobName: InitVar[str] = "pdoc3-pages"
    jobStage: InitVar[str] = "build"

    def __post_init__(self, jobName: str, jobStage: str) -> None:
        super().__init__(script="", name=jobName, stage=jobStage)

    def render(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        self._scripts = [
            "pip3 install pdoc3",
            f"pdoc3 --html -f --skip-errors --output-dir {_gitlab_pages_path(self.output_path)} {self.module}",
        return super().render()


Class variables

var jobName : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var jobStage : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var module : str
var output_path : str

Inherited members

class Sphinx (*, pipenv_version_specifier: str = '', jobName: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'sphinx-pages', jobStage: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'build')

Runs sphinx-build -b html -E -a docs public/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} and installs project requirements before (pip_install_requirements())

  • Requires a docs/requirements.txt in your project folder containing at least sphinx`
  • Creates it artifacts for Gitlab Pages under pages

This subclass of Job will configure following defaults for the superclass:

  • name: sphinx-pages
  • stage: build
  • artifacts: Path 'public'


The version hint of pipenv to install if Pipfile.lock is found. For example '==2022.08.15'. Defaults to an empty string, which means the latest
Expand source code
class Sphinx(Job):
    Runs `sphinx-build -b html -E -a docs public/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}` and installs project requirements
    before (`pip_install_requirements()`)

    * Requires a `docs/requirements.txt` in your project folder` containing at least `sphinx`
    * Creates it artifacts for Gitlab Pages under `pages`

    This subclass of `Job` will configure following defaults for the superclass:

    * name: sphinx-pages
    * stage: build
    * artifacts: Path 'public'

        pipenv_version_specifier: The version hint of pipenv to install if `Pipfile.lock` is found.
            For example '==2022.08.15'. Defaults to an empty string, which means the latest

    pipenv_version_specifier: str = ""
    jobName: InitVar[str] = "sphinx-pages"
    jobStage: InitVar[str] = "build"

    def __post_init__(self, jobName: str, jobStage: str) -> None:
        super().__init__(script="", name=jobName, stage=jobStage)

    def render(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        self._scripts = [
            f"sphinx-build -b html -E -a docs {_gitlab_pages_path(PredefinedVariables.CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG)}",
        return super().render()


Class variables

var jobName : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var jobStage : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var pipenv_version_specifier : str

Inherited members