

class ScanLocalImage (*, image_path: str = '/builds/ekohilas/gitlab-ci-python-library', image_name: str = 'gitlab-ci-python-library', output_format: Optional[str] = None, severity: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False, vulnerability_types: Optional[str] = None, exit_if_vulnerable: bool = True, trivy_config: Optional[str] = None, jobName: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'trivy', jobStage: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'check')

This job scanns container images to find vulnerabilities.

This job fails with exit code 1 if severities are found. The scan output is printed to stdout and uploaded to the artifacts of GitLab.

This subclass of Job will configure following defaults for the superclass:

  • name: trivy
  • stage: check
  • image: PredefinedImages.TRIVY
  • artifacts: Path 'trivy.txt'


image_path : Optional[str]
Path where to find the container image. If None it defaults internally to PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_DIR. Defaults to None.
image_name : Optional[str]
Container image name, searched for in image_path and gets .tar appended. If None it defaults internally to PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_NAME. Defaults to None.
output_format : Optional[str]
Scan output format, possible values (table, json). Internal default table. Defaults to None.
severity : Optional[str]
Severities of vulnerabilities to be displayed (comma separated). Defaults internally to "UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL". Defaults to None.
debug : bool
If trivy should run in debug mode. Defaults to False.
vulnerability_types : Optional[str]
List of vulnerability types (comma separated). Defaults internally to "os,library". Defaults to None.
exit_if_vulnerable : bool
Exit code when vulnerabilities were found. If true exit code is 1 else 0. Defaults to True.
trivy_config : Optional[str]
Additional options to pass to trivy binary. Defaults to None.
It is not allowed to use the script argument in **kwargs, script is already initialized.
Expand source code
class ScanLocalImage(Job):
    """This job scanns container images to find vulnerabilities.

    This job fails with exit code 1 if severities are found.
    The scan output is printed to stdout and uploaded to the artifacts of GitLab.

    This subclass of `Job` will configure following defaults for the superclass:

    * name: trivy
    * stage: check
    * image: PredefinedImages.TRIVY
    * artifacts: Path 'trivy.txt'

        image_path (Optional[str]): Path where to find the container image.
            If `None` it defaults internally to `PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_DIR`. Defaults to None.
        image_name (Optional[str]): Container image name, searched for in `image_path` and gets `.tar` appended.
            If `None` it defaults internally to `PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_NAME`. Defaults to None.
        output_format (Optional[str]): Scan output format, possible values (table, json). Internal default `table`.
            Defaults to None.
        severity (Optional[str]): Severities of vulnerabilities to be displayed (comma separated).
            Defaults internally to "UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL". Defaults to None.
        debug (bool): If trivy should run in debug mode. Defaults to False.
        vulnerability_types (Optional[str]): List of vulnerability types (comma separated).
            Defaults internally to "os,library". Defaults to None.
        exit_if_vulnerable (bool): Exit code when vulnerabilities were found. If true exit code is 1 else 0. Defaults to True.
        trivy_config (Optional[str]): Additional options to pass to `trivy` binary. Defaults to None.

        ScriptArgumentNotAllowedError: It is not allowed to use the `script` argument in **kwargs,
            `script` is already initialized.

    image_path: str = PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_DIR
    image_name: str = PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_NAME
    output_format: Optional[str] = None
    severity: Optional[str] = None
    debug: bool = False
    vulnerability_types: Optional[str] = None
    exit_if_vulnerable: bool = True
    trivy_config: Optional[str] = None
    jobName: InitVar[str] = "trivy"
    jobStage: InitVar[str] = "check"

    def __post_init__(self, jobName: str, jobStage: str) -> None:
        self.image_name = self.image_name.replace("/", "_")

        super().__init__(script="", name=jobName, stage=jobStage)
        self.artifacts.when = WhenStatement.ALWAYS

    def render(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        trivy_cmd = ["trivy image"]
        trivy_cmd.append(f"--input {self.image_path}/{self.image_name}.tar")

        if self.output_format:
            trivy_cmd.append(f"--format {self.output_format}")

        if self.severity:
            trivy_cmd.append(f"--severity {self.severity}")

        if self.vulnerability_types:
            trivy_cmd.append(f"--vuln-type {self.vulnerability_types}")

        if self.exit_if_vulnerable:
            trivy_cmd.append("--exit-code 1")

        if self.debug:

        if self.trivy_config:

            "|tee " + path.join(PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_DIR, "trivi.txt")

        self._scripts = [
            "set -eo pipefail",
            " ".join(trivy_cmd),
            "trivy --version",
        return super().render()


Class variables

var debug : bool
var exit_if_vulnerable : bool
var image_name : str
var image_path : str
var jobName : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var jobStage : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var output_format : Optional[str]
var severity : Optional[str]
var trivy_config : Optional[str]
var vulnerability_types : Optional[str]

Inherited members

class TrivyIgnoreFileCheck (*, trivyignore_path: str = '/builds/ekohilas/gitlab-ci-python-library/.trivyignore', jobName: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'trivyignore', jobStage: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'check')

This job checks if a .trivyignore file exists and is not empty and fails if so.

If a .trivyignore file is found and not empty, by default the job fails with exit 1, the job is configured to allow failures so that the pipeline keeps running. This ensures the visibility of acknowledged CVE's in the .trivyignore file inside the pipline.

This subclass of Job will configure following defaults for the superclass:

  • name: trivyignore
  • stage: check
  • image: PredefinedImages.BUSYBOX
  • allow_failure: 1


trivyignore_path : Optional[str], optional
Path to the .trivyignore file. Defaults to $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.trivyignore.


It is not allowed to use the script argument in **kwargs, script is already initialized.
Expand source code
class TrivyIgnoreFileCheck(Job):
    This job checks if a .trivyignore file exists and is not empty and fails if so.

    If a .trivyignore file is found and not empty, by default the job fails with `exit 1`,
    the job is configured to allow failures so that the pipeline keeps running.
    This ensures the visibility of acknowledged CVE's in the .trivyignore file inside the pipline.

    This subclass of `Job` will configure following defaults for the superclass:

    * name: trivyignore
    * stage: check
    * image: PredefinedImages.BUSYBOX
    * allow_failure: 1

        trivyignore_path (Optional[str], optional): Path to the `.trivyignore` file. Defaults to `$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.trivyignore`.

        ScriptArgumentNotAllowedError: It is not allowed to use the `script` argument in **kwargs,
            `script` is already initialized.

    trivyignore_path: str = f"{PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_DIR}/.trivyignore"
    jobName: InitVar[str] = "trivyignore"
    jobStage: InitVar[str] = "check"

    def __post_init__(self, jobName: str, jobStage: str) -> None:
        super().__init__(script="", name=jobName, stage=jobStage)

    def render(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        self._scripts = [
            "set -eo pipefail",
            f'test -f {self.trivyignore_path} || {{ echo "{self.trivyignore_path} does not exists."; exit 0; }}',
            # The grep-regex (-E) will check for everything but (-v) empty lines ('^ *$') and comments (first character is '#')
            f"grep -vE '^ *(#.*)?$' {self.trivyignore_path} || {{ echo '{self.trivyignore_path} found but empty.'; exit 0; }}",
            f'echo "{self.trivyignore_path} not empty. Please check your vulnerabilities!"; exit 1;',
        return super().render()


Class variables

var jobName : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var jobStage : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var trivyignore_path : str

Inherited members