

class Scan (*, image_path: str = '/ekohilas/gitlab-ci-python-library', image_name: str = 'gitlab-ci-python-library', highest_user_wasted_percent: Optional[float] = None, highest_wasted_bytes: Optional[float] = None, lowest_efficiency: Optional[float] = None, ignore_errors: bool = False, source: str = 'docker-archive', jobName: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'dive', jobStage: dataclasses.InitVar[str] = 'check')

Scan your images with wagoodman/dive.

dive will scan your container image layers and will output the efficency of each layer. You can see which layer and which file is consuming the most storage and optimize the layers if possible. It prevents container images and its layers beeing polluted with files like apt or yum cache's. The output produced by dive is uploaded as an artifact to the GitLab instance.

This subclass of Job will configure following defaults for the superclass:

  • name: dive
  • stage: check
  • image: PredefinedImages.DIVE
  • artifacts: Path 'dive.txt'


image_path : Optional[str]
Path to the image can be either a remote container registry, as well as a local path to an image. Defaults to PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_PATH.
image_name : Optional[str]
Name of the container image to scan, if source is docker-archive argument gets prefix .tar. Defaults to PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_NAME.
highest_user_wasted_percent : Optional[float]
Highest allowable percentage of bytes wasted (as a ratio between 0-1), otherwise CI validation will fail. (default "0.1"). Defaults to None.
highest_wasted_bytes : Optional[float]
Highest allowable bytes wasted, otherwise CI validation will fail. (default "disabled"). Defaults to None.
lowest_efficiency : Optional[float]
Lowest allowable image efficiency (as a ratio between 0-1), otherwise CI validation will fail. (default "0.9"). Defaults to None.
ignore_errors : Optional[bool]
Ignore image parsing errors and run the analysis anyway. Defaults to False.
source : Optional[str]
The container engine to fetch the image from. Allowed values: docker, podman, docker-archive (default "docker"). Defaults to "docker-archive".
Expand source code
class Scan(Job):
    Scan your images with [wagoodman/dive](

    `dive` will scan your container image layers and will output the efficency of each layer.
    You can see which layer and which file is consuming the most storage and optimize the layers if possible.
    It prevents container images and its layers beeing polluted with files like apt or yum cache's.
    The output produced by `dive` is uploaded as an artifact to the GitLab instance.

    This subclass of `Job` will configure following defaults for the superclass:

    * name: dive
    * stage: check
    * image: PredefinedImages.DIVE
    * artifacts: Path 'dive.txt'

        image_path (Optional[str]): Path to the image can be either a remote container registry,
            as well as a local path to an image. Defaults to `PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_PATH`.
        image_name (Optional[str]): Name of the container image to scan, if `source` is `docker-archive` argument gets prefix `.tar`.
            Defaults to PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_NAME.
        highest_user_wasted_percent (Optional[float]): Highest allowable percentage of bytes wasted
            (as a ratio between 0-1), otherwise CI validation will fail. (default "0.1"). Defaults to None.
        highest_wasted_bytes (Optional[float]): Highest allowable bytes wasted, otherwise CI validation will fail.
            (default "disabled"). Defaults to None.
        lowest_efficiency (Optional[float]): Lowest allowable image efficiency (as a ratio between 0-1),
            otherwise CI validation will fail. (default "0.9"). Defaults to None.
        ignore_errors (Optional[bool]): Ignore image parsing errors and run the analysis anyway. Defaults to False.
        source (Optional[str]): The container engine to fetch the image from. Allowed values: docker, podman, docker-archive
            (default "docker"). Defaults to "docker-archive".

    image_path: str = "/" + PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_PATH
    image_name: str = PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_NAME
    highest_user_wasted_percent: Optional[float] = None
    highest_wasted_bytes: Optional[float] = None
    lowest_efficiency: Optional[float] = None
    ignore_errors: bool = False
    source: str = "docker-archive"
    jobName: InitVar[str] = "dive"
    jobStage: InitVar[str] = "check"

    def __post_init__(self, jobName: str, jobStage: str) -> None:
        super().__init__(script="", name=jobName, stage=jobStage)

    def render(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        if self.image_path.endswith("/"):
            self.image_path = self.image_path[:-1]

        if self.source == "docker-archive":
            self.image_name = f"{self.image_name}.tar".replace("/", "_")

        dive_command = [

        if self.highest_user_wasted_percent and _is_float_between_zero_and_one(
                f'--highestUserWastedPercent "{self.highest_user_wasted_percent}"'
        if self.highest_wasted_bytes and _is_float_between_zero_and_one(
            dive_command.append(f'--highestWastedBytes "{self.highest_wasted_bytes}"')
        if self.lowest_efficiency and _is_float_between_zero_and_one(
            dive_command.append(f'--lowestEfficiency "{self.lowest_efficiency}"')
        if self.ignore_errors:

            "|tee " + path.join(PredefinedVariables.CI_PROJECT_DIR, "dive.txt")

        self._scripts = [
            "set -eo pipefail",
            " ".join(dive_command),

        return super().render()


Class variables

var highest_user_wasted_percent : Optional[float]
var highest_wasted_bytes : Optional[float]
var ignore_errors : bool
var image_name : str
var image_path : str
var jobName : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var jobStage : dataclasses.InitVar[str]
var lowest_efficiency : Optional[float]
var source : str

Inherited members